The David Alan Shapiro Memorial Synagogue Center
American Jewish University
Los Angeles, California
Stained Glass Window
Project Journal
January 5, 2010
Pictures from the installation of the Ark
Josh Alvarerz, J.T. Lawrence and Michelle Plachte-Zuieback bring in the first modules of the ark
With Greg Zall's outter doors, in the foreground, Josh and J.T. work on getting the ark cabinet perfectly level
Michelle cuts glass panels for the inside cabinet, below
Fastening the cabinet to the concrete floor
Positioning the ark for a level installation
Annette and Leonard Shapiro visit the site during the installation of the Ark
Annette, Josh and J.T. pose with the inner sliding door frames
Leonard, Joel, Annette, David, Michelle, Josh and J.T.
Rabbi Jay Strear joins the group of observers, during the installation
Josh prepares the upper modules for installation above the ark cabinet
Josh and J.T. set the upper module of the ark in place.
Taking down the upper module of the ark for fine tuning.
Josh and J.T., with the help of Annette, hang the outter doors.
Making sure the doors hang perfectly is a special skill of our cabinet makers.
Rabbi Wexler stops in to observe the installation.
Hanging the sliding door frames.
After fine tuning the sliding door frames, the stained glass windows are set into the doors and the doors are hung back into position.
Josh checks the sliding doors for fit.

Copyright ©2008 Plachte-Zuieback Art Glass